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Pengaruh Penggantian Sirup Glukosa dengan Sirup Sorbitol dan Penggantian Butter dengan Salatrim Terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Kembang Gula Karamel Netty Kusumawati, Thomas Indarto Putut Suseno, Nita Fibria,
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Vol 7, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (242.681 KB) | DOI: 10.33508/jtpg.v7i1.146


Caramel soft candy is one of noncrysytalline candy, with soft and chewy texture. Sorbitol as known low calories sweetener agent with 2/3 Calorie content of sucrose. Salatrim is a one of fat replacer with lipid base was classified as triglyceride. The advantages of the salatrim usage is 5 Calories/gram compared with 9 Calories/gram on ordinary lipid together give physical characteristic with conventional lipid. This objective of this is to find out about the effect of the changing glucose syrup with sorbitol syrup and butter with salatrim toward chemical physics and organoleptic of caramel soft candy to know the usage of both to produce most favorable caramel soft candy. This study were doing with making caramel soft candy with replacement variation of glucose syrup with sorbitol syrup (20%:80%; 10%:90%; and 0%:100%) and replacement variation of butter with salatrim (10%:90 and 0%:100%). The study design are using Factorial Group Randomly Design and Factorial Complete Randomly Design with 6 treatment combination, each 4 replications. Based on statistic evaluation, there are interaction effect between replacement glucose syrup with sorbitol syrup and replacement butter with salatrim toward hardness, tensile strength and panelist preference to colour and texture caramel soft candy, but not effecting in water content, reducing sugar content, lightness, redness, yellowness and panelist preference to taste of caramel soft candy. Replacement glucoce syrup with sorbitol syrup would effecting in water content, reducing sugar content, lightness, redness and yellowness caramel soft candy. The taste preference effected by each of treatment but not effected by interaction of both treatment. The best product based on weighing technique was caramel soft candy with replacement glucose syrup with sorbitol syrup 100% and replacement butter with salatrim 100% (A3B2) that consists of 8,87% water content, 10,79 gram/ 100gram material, 487,25 Newton hardness, 10,13 Newton tensile strength, 41,48 lightness, 13,25 redness and 26,40 yellowness.The colour preference score was 5,04, texture was 5,07 and taste was 4,97 which classified on netral to likely enough.
Prospek Pengembangan Makanan Fungsional Marsono, Yustinus
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Vol 7, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (139.704 KB) | DOI: 10.33508/jtpg.v7i1.147


Perbaikan tingkat kesejahteraan telah mengakibatkan meningkatnya berbagaimacam penyakit degeneratif misalnya obesitas, diabetes, jantung koroner, hypertensi dan kanker. Telah dipercayai bahwa makanan fungsional dapat mencegah atau menurunkan kemungkinan penyakit-penyakit tersebut. Sifat fungsional dari makanan fungsional ditentukan oleh komponen bioaktif yang terkandung di dalamnya, misalnya serat pangan, inulin, FOS dan antioksidan. Indonesia kaya akan sumber alam dengan kandungan komponen bioaktif yang sangat potensial untuk dikembangkan. Dengan jumlah penduduk yang besar dan meningkatnya kesejahteraan maka dapat diprediksi bahwa permintaan makanan fungsional akan meningkat di masa yang akan datang. Hal ini memberi harapan bahwa pengembangan makanan fungsional di Indonesia sangat prospektif. Kejelian industri pangan untuk melihat peluang ini sangat diperlukan dan kerjasama dengan peneliti serta dukungan dari pemerintahperlu ditingkatkan. Tindakan ini perlu diikuti dengan promosi yang intensif untuk mendukung peningkatan pemasaran.
Pengaruh Penambahan Kalsium Karbonat Sebagai Fortifikan Kalsium Terhadap Sifat Fisikokimia dan Organoleptik Permen Jeli Susu Netty Kusumawati, Sherly Novita Lesmana, Thomas Indarto Putut S.,
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Vol 7, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.036 KB) | DOI: 10.33508/jtpg.v7i1.148


Jelly candy is a candy consist of sucrose, glucose, acid and gel performing material with a texture and certain elasticity. Calcium fortification will become added value on the product. Calcium needed on the bone performing and to prevent the osteoporosis. Protein and vitamin D contain from milk in milk jelly candy will increace the absorption of calcium on the body. The calcium carbonate adding will affect on jelly candy pH. pH will affect on the jelly performing which it can affect texture. Calcium can bound with protein perform calcium bridge which is strenghten texture. Unsolved of calcium will produce “chalky mouthfeel”, gritty in the mount and opaque appearance. This study will examine the effect of the difference of the adding calcium carbonate toward physic, chemical and sensory characteristic on the milk jelly candy and can be accepted by consumers. Milk jelly candy contain calcium which it made from gelatin mix, sucrose, glucose syrup, water, full cream powder milk and calcium carbonate. This study had done by the making of the milk jelly candy with variation on the adding of calcium carbonate. The study design were used is Group Randomized Design with single factor contain one factor: 4 level of calcium carbonate concentration (0,77%; 1,53%;2,30%;3,06%) with 6 replication. The examination including physical characteristic (texture, color), chemical characteristic (water content, pH, calcium content) and organoleptics (texture, taste, mouthfeel, colour). Organoleptics test using Completely Randomized Design contain 4 level of calcium carbonate concentration (0,77%; 1,53%;2,30%;3,06%) with 80 panelis. The obtained data came from the observation results then had been analyzed statistically by NOVA test α=5%. If the ANOVA shows the difference, then would be continued by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The best optional with weighing test. The parameter have been choose for the weighing test is organoleptics (texture, taste, mouthfeel, color). The result shows that different level of calcium carbonate gave significant differences of moisture content, pH, elasticity, compresibility, brightness, hedonic range of colour, taste, texture milk jelly candy, but did not gave significant differences of hedonic range of mouthfeel. The higher level of calcium carbonate, decreased moisture content of milk jelly candy, while pH, elsticity, compresibility, brightness were increase. The best fortification level of milk jelly candy was 3,06%, which gave hedonic score (organoleptics) of colour 5,77; taste 5,20; texture 5,20; mouthfeel 5,18; moisture content 15,85%, pH 7,80, compresibility 270,58 N/20mm, elasticity 4,92 N/50mm, brightness 59,15, calsium level 1,22%.
Development of Fungal Proteomic Technique in Food Technology Radix Astadi, Ignasius
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Vol 7, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (166.444 KB) | DOI: 10.33508/jtpg.v7i1.149


Fungi merupakan mikroorganisme yang berperan dalam kehidupan manusia, organisme ini dapat menguntungkan maupun merugikan manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, dan lingkungan. Dalam industri pangan kapang dan khamir diaplikasikan untuk produksi pangan dengan fermentasi seperti tempe, kecap, bir, koji, sake, miso dan produk pangan yang lain. Dengan perkembangan ilmu bioteknologi fungi juga dieksploitasi untuk produksi enzim, anti bakteri, dan anti jamur, serta dipergunakan untuk produksi asam-asam organik. Dengan melihat peranan fungi yang besar dalam kehidupan manusia, penelitian tentang fungi berkembang dengan pesat. Salah satu penelitian yang banyak dilakukan adalah proteomik. Proteomik merupakan suatu penelitian identifikasi, separasi, maupun kuantitatif dari protein yang dihubungkan dengan gen yang bertanggung jawab akan pembentukan protein secara spesifik. Cara pemisahan yang paling banyak dilakukan adalah dengan gel elekroforesis SDS PAGE, untuk kemudian dianalisis dengan spektrometri massa MALDI TOF. Hasil yang didapatkan dari spektrometri ini kemudian diidentifikasi dengan darta-data genome yang telah tersedia. Faktor yang harus diperhatikan adalah ekstraksi protein yang tepat, prosedur elektroforesis yang benar, serta identifikasinya. Proteomik merupakan teknologi baru yang masih berkembang, teknik ini penting karena dapat mengetahui gen yang berpengaruh terhadap sekresi metabolit sekunder protein yang dapat berguna maupun membahayakan. Sehingga dengan mengetahui faktor yang berpengaruh, maka untuk produk sekresi yang berguna kita dapat meningkatkan produksinya dengan modifikasi gen maupun kondisi optimumnya.
Kajian Penggunaan Xanthan Gum pada Roti Tawar Non Gluten yang Terbuat dari Maizena, Tepung Beras dan Tapioka Faustine, Indah Kuswardani, Ch. Yayuk Trisnawati,
Jurnal Teknologi Pangan dan Gizi Vol 7, No 1 (2008)
Publisher : Widya Mandala Surabaya Catholic University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (0.036 KB) | DOI: 10.33508/jtpg.v7i1.150


Bread is a cereal-based product, commonly from wheat flour and trough the process of mixing, fermentation, and baking steps until the changes in flavor, shape, and chemical composition occur. Wheat flour content gliadin and glutenin that form gluten which can cause an intestine inflammation in patients of celiac diseases. They should avoid to consume gluten so need gluten-free product such as gluten free bread. The Gluten-free bread made from rice flour, corn starch, and cassava starch with proportion of 74.2% cornstarch, 17.2% rice flour, and 8.6% cassava starch. In general gluten-free white bread has poor capability to retain gas from fermentation, so will has firm crumb, poor loaf and easy to be stahling. This condition can be improved by addition of hydrocolloid such as xanthan gum. Randomized Block Design (RBD) used in research. The treatment was concentration of xanthan gum 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, 2%, and 2.5%. and repeated five times. Observation was done on water content, hardness, compressibility, specific volume, and preference tests for crumb pore, texture (mouthfeel), and moistness. The data were analyzed with Anova α = 5% and than continued with Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) at α = 5% when the treatment gave significant influence. The best treatment is determined according to the Effectiveness Index. The result showed that the use of xanthan gum has no effect on the water content of bread, but influence the hardness, compressibility, specific volume, and sensory evaluation of gluten-free white bread made from cornstarch, rice flour, and cassava starch. The higher the concentration of xanthan gum results in higher value of hardness, compressibility, and specific volume of gluten-free bread. The treatment of 2% xanthan gum showed to give the best gluten free bread with 23.89% of water content, 23.8 N of hardness, 98.02% of compressibility, 2.1675 cm3/g of volume specific, and give the best score in preference test.

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